Friday, October 30, 2015

Can't Create? Collaborate!

When we started Creative Source two decades ago, we came from a corporate marketing background. That experience helped us forge important relationships in the business community—not only with the creative directors and graphic designers at area advertising agencies, but also with our colleagues in other corporate marketing departments.

business-collaborationThat’s still an important ingredient to our business success today. We promote signs, displays and printing as our primary product line, and people come to us when they need those things. But over the years we’ve also said we offer creative marketing solutions—and we do that by working in collaboration with our clients, vendors, and marketing partners.

The key to coming up with those solutions is listening. Clients tell us what they want. Vendors tell us what they can do to help provide the products and services that will help us do our job better. And marketing partners—graphic designers, business consultants, PR pros and other communication experts—provide us with perspectives we might otherwise overlook. In other words, they make us better at what we do.

The old adage “two heads are better than one” is true. When you combine your talent and experience with that of others, it makes for more effective problem solving. Not only that, it energizes you and gets the creative juices flowing.

In the corporate world, management often promotes team-building as a way for staff members to be more effective. That’s collaboration. If it works internally, it stands to reason that it will work externally, too, when we team up with other businesses and industry professionals.

At one point in my career, I was content to go to work every day, disappear into my work area, and do my thing. I was comfortable with my surroundings and my responsibilities, and didn’t see the need to expand beyond that. Today, however, that concept makes me uncomfortable! In order to truly move forward, innovate, and be creative, it’s important to grow in knowledge and increase our capabilities.

The quickest path to greater achievement is through collaboration. If you’ve hit a creative roadblock in your thinking, try going outside of your comfort zone by seeking the input and advice of someone on the outside. You’ll expand your horizons and strengthen relationships in the business community that will enhance your productivity, both now and in the future.

MIKE BOYD is president of Creative Source. Clients looking for sign companies in Canton, Ohio and the surrounding region look to Mike and his staff for creative marketing solutions.

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