Thursday, November 21, 2013

Floor Your Customers with the Right Graphics in the Right Place

The key to more sales may be right under your feet. And everybody else’s.

I’m talking about floor decals, and here’s why.

I recently read about a new phenomenon that doctors are calling “iSlouch.” No kidding; people are hunched over so much, looking at their smart phones and other electronic devices, that it’s leading to back and neck problems.

Doctors are also warning their patients that so much time spent looking down at their techno-gadgets can shorten the neck muscles, increase the gravitational pull on the jowl area, and result in a drooping jawline—what’s being called a “smartphone face.”

Now, I’m not here to prescribe medical solutions for millions of Americans who are exhibiting these habits. What I am here to suggest is that this phenomenon represents an opportunity. If people are looking down so much, why not put your message where they’ll see it?

Floor decals are an often-overlooked method of displaying a name, logo, brand or message. They’re made of durable, slip- and scuff-resistant vinyl that holds up well under foot traffic and prominently displays your message right where people are looking: Down. They’re colorful and creative and can be made in a variety of sizes and shapes.

No, I’m not trying to add another new condition (decal droop, perhaps?) to the list. But the fact is, people are looking down more. Why not put your message there?

Next time you’re out, look at the people all around you, and see for yourself why floor decals could be just the thing to help you stand out in the marketplace.

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